O Captain, my Captain
My cousin and best friend growing up was widowed suddenly several years ago. She and her sweet husband had been planning a cruise for the...

Captured moments
Our monthly “Out of the Box Book Club” meeting was this week. As usual, we had a rollicking good time with great food and fellowship. We...

Your turn
Lost lamb. Rescue obviously begun. Someone propped this baby out in the open hoping for recovery. That was kind. Vulnerable there, but...

Of unicorns and memories.
I have one grand who lives pretty far away and so I don’t get to see her as often as I like. But when I do, there’s almost always...

Queen. For a day.
If you had a chance to read my birthday blog last week, you know how grateful I am to: (a) still be having them and (b) to have friends...

Shall-Remain-Numberless Candles
Well, yikes, I have a birthday coming up and I am willing to tell you THAT, but we are NOT going to talk candles. Dates of birth have...

A Piece of Change
Nine years later, I still hear Charles stories that are new to me. The latest gift came while catching up with an old friend during a...

“Louie Louie” and I sometimes cruise the highway together. It’s easy now to rock out to tunes from any era and I might be that girl you...

Waiting out the tantrum
The son and daughter-in-law of dear friends are in China right now adopting their precious little girl, Willa. They've waited a long time...

Team work
I’m headed out of town to a small wedding this week. I wouldn’t miss it for, as a friend of mine used to say, all the tea in China. You...